Welcome To TManBeads Web Site

A Unique Collection of Hand Strung Beaded Jewelry, Sterling Silver Crosses, Men and Lady Rings and Watches

Click  here  www.thecharmstop.net  For a wide variety of charms

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We have now added a close out section filled with items that our vendors will no longer carry.

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HomeBracelets Necklaces Earrings Rings Crosses Pendants Silver Men Watches Ladies Watches Policy Biker Charm Bracelets Turquoise Watches Charms Links Site Directory

Silver Coin Jewelry

We have some silver coin jewelry with sterling silver bezels  and 14KTGF bezels. We have some silver dollars and other coin jewelry. 



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Home ] Bracelets ] Necklaces ] Earrings ] Rings ] Crosses ] Pendants ] Silver ] Men Watches ] Ladies Watches ] Policy ] Biker ] Charm Bracelets ] Turquoise Watches ] Charms ] Links ] Site Directory ]

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T Brown Enterprises P.O. Box 750843 Houston ,TX  77275-0843